Mogwai @ Hamer Hall – Melbourne Arts Centre, Melbourne (Sun 1 Mar 2015)

went to this 10 years ago

Mogwai are one of my favourite live bands, save for maybe Elbow. They’re music is preffy diverse, but still under that instrumental rock banner, for the most part anyway.

Their ability to seamlessly move between ‘quiet and beautiful’ to ‘wall of sound I can’t hear anything and my face is melting’ is pretty damned impressive.

Mogwai at Hamer Hall Melbourne

Mogwai at Hamer Hall Melbourne

So this show is over 6 months ago now. It’s currently around 6am in mid August in a shitty Melbourne winter as I write this, and after getting through the first 6 months of my sons life relatively unscathed, I figure it’s time to get back on the blog. Those of you who subscribe will note that I only got around to writing about Soundgarden yesterday. Tomorrow I’m hoping to write about Dylan Moran, and then I’ll be close to up-to-date.

My date for this show was Werner, whose wife had also expelled a human at much the same time as mine. This was only my second gig post baby (Soundgarden being the first) and was Werner’s first. Being that Soundgarden had only been a week prior, I felt like a bit of a pro at this whole ‘be a parent and have a life’ caper.

As to be expected, there was much talk about breasts, sleep (or lack of) as well as how long it actually takes Births, Deaths and Marriages to process a Birth Certificate. For the record, it’s a bloody long time. At the time of this gig, we were finalising our joint 40th with some friends in Brisbane. Nine adults, 3 babies and a toddler all going to Hawaii together for two weeks. Passports were required for the babies obviously, which in turn require a Birth Cert. The trip has since happened, but we saw no gigs while over there, so you won’t be reading about it anytime soon (well, not on this blog anyway).

Mogwai Setlist Hamer Hall, Melbourne, Australia 2015We got in the door as the band were about halfway through “Heard About You Last Night”. So when the ticket said 8pm, it meant the band goes on at 8pm. Fascinating.

I was unsure how I’d go seeing Mogwai in a seated venue, but it was actually bloody fabulous. We were seated at the front of the balcony as you can see from the picture above. The sound was superb, and the view fantastic.

Seeing a band like Mogwai is always going to lead to the “I wish they’d played XX”, as their discography is so large and varied. Tonight’s set though was perfect. Ok, I really would have loved to have heard White Noise.

Remurdered was absolutely superb- it’s easily my favourite track from last years Rave Tapes album, and it sounded excellent live. The usual set closer of Mogwai Fear Satan was also brilliantly executed.

Did you see Mogwai @ Hamer Hall – Melbourne Arts Centre, Melbourne (Sun 1 Mar 2015)? Tell us about it

went to this 10 years ago